Aside from my usual goals for the New Year, like drinking less, sleeping more and laying off the coffee (a bit), I added another one: More.
In the evening, after the kids are in bed, after the dinner and toys are cleaned up, all I want to do is sit. Sit and read, sit and binge Gilmore Girls, sit and talk to my husband. So I sit, and I tell myself, "I'll work more tomorrow night". I sit, and night after night, nothing gets done. Eventually, my enthusiasm and confidence slowly dwindle, and I'm sure I'm not the only creative to ask myself, "What's the point? What am I even doing?"
But that was my 2017 Self. My 2018 Self says, in a thick Minnesotan accent; "Ta heck with that! It's time to turn off the reruns, time to grab some wine, and time to get to it, lady!" It's time... for more.
Time to make more. Time to see more. Time to post more. Time to experiment more. And, Oh! Time to have more fun doing it all.
Because for 2018, my goal, my motto, is more.