August is already here and it feels like this summer has been on autopilot. In the past two months I have submitted work into three different shows. The first being Wiz Bang at the Robin Gallery in which I won “Special Merit”. Then Ope! at the North Suburban Center for the Arts in which I won “Best of Show”. Next week it will be In. at the Wyoming Creative Arts Center. This next exhibit is a “live juried show”, which I have never experienced before. I like participating in juried shows because it helps me pay for my studio costs but I also feel conflicted about a few individuals judging what is “best” when art is so subjective and personal to each viewer.
In the past month I have also applied for two artist grants. One grant is through the Kolman Reeb Gallery which is conveniently located in the Northrup King Building. The other is the Creative Support for Individuals grant through the Minnesota State Arts Board. This is my first dive into applying for grants and I know it is very competitive so my expectations are realistic.
On a similar note, October is creeping upwards and I am getting anxious and excited about my two person exhibition at the Robbin Gallery!! I have never had a two person show and I am so grateful to be doing it with my old studio mate and college buddy, Jennifer Zoss. We will be meeting next week to start planning out the installation and the opening reception so stay tuned for more info on that! I have been working on this show for the past year and have one more piece to finish. One more amazing woman who was kind enough to participate in my project. That will make 10 women, who saw merit in my work and gifted me their time and image. Should make for a fun show I hope!
I hope this finds you well.
Cheers, -Cara Jo